# জল ছাদ কি ভাবে করতে হয়। জল ছাদ করার নিয়মাবলী দৌয়া হল।

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To provide impervious course of water proof and adequate thermal insulation to roof surface.

Applies to concrete roof.

Lime…….Slake lime.
Surki……. Made from 2nd class brick crushed ground to sizes below 2 mm.
Brick chips .. Made from 2nd class bricks crushed to sizes 20 mm down graded.


1.Use lime ,surki and bricks chips in the proportion 2:2:7. Thickness of lime terracing to be average 125 mm (5”).

2.Soak the brick chips at least 3 hours before mix and allow stand.

3.Mix lime and surki in the specified ratio on a clean platform in dry condition , till of uniform color.

4.Add previously whetted khoa in the specified quantity over lime-surki mix.

5.Molasses to be used during the mixing of L.C.C materials to make the whole mixture viscous and workable so that it properly adhere with roof.

6. Allow the mix to ago for at least 5 day.

7.Spread the mixture in single layer on roof evenly to proper slope towards gutter/rain water pipe (slope minimum 1 in 0.25) and 20 mm thicker then specified for consolidation.

8.Consolidate the lime concrete thoroughly beating with wooden mallets weighing about 1 to 2 kg and beat thoroughly for 4 to 5 days.

9.Frequently sprinkle lime water (lime slurry) during beating to keep lime concrete wet.

10.Soften the surface by sprinkling pure water to render the mortar smooth finish which comes to the surface during beating . Finish with lime rubbed with the face of trowel . Do not use plaster
11.Fill up the surface pore by lime putty prepared from lime and surki (1:1).

12.Round the lime concrete at the junction of roof slab and parapet.

13.Keep the surface continuously wet for at least 10 days.

14. Use heat protective paint over finished L.C.C surface.

আমাদের সাথে থাকার জন্য সবাইকে ধন্যবাদ.

Civil Engineering Tips and Tricks.


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